Pootle FS Configuration

Configuring your project in Pootle

To set an FS plugin for a project, use the set_fs command:

pootle fs MYPROJECT set_fs FS_TYPE FS_URL

MYPROJECT must the name of a valid project in Pootle.

FS_TYPE should be an installed and registered FS plugin type - such as git or local.

FS_URL must be a URL specific to the type of FS plugin you are using.

Creating a .pootle.ini on your filesystem

When pootle_fs first pulls your filesystem it looks for a file .pootle.ini to set up the configuration of your project.

The configuration file uses the ini syntax.

You can see the current configuration for your project as follows:

pootle fs MYPROJECT config

Updating the configuration

If you make changes to your .pootle.ini file they do not take affect until you have updated the configuration:

pootle fs MYPROJECT config --update

Defining a translation_path

Defining a directory path